Movie #28 - Flash within Delphi

In this Delphi programming tutorial we are going to cover how to put Adobe Flash animations into your Delphi applications.  We do this by creating a new package and then installing the ShockwaveFlash ActiveX control.  Watch the movie here.  The movie is under 8 minutes long.

Movie #27 - DLLs

This Delphi Training Movie looks at DLL programming, at least the basics.  In it we write a DLL and then use it.  The example is a bit contrived, but should give you a solid starting point.  This one is a biggie and weighs in at over 20 minutes, and you can watch it here.

Movie #26 - Form Creation

In this Delphi training movie we take a look at how to create forms, yes I know Delphi can do this for you automatically - but sometimes you will want to do it for yourself.  Creating forms as they are needed can make your application start faster and take up less resources.  We look at a number of ways of creating forms and to see them watch the movie here.

Movie #25 - Enter as Tab

I've seen this question numerous times in the Delphi Newsgroups: How to I make the enter key work like the tab key?  Well it's actually fairly simple and in this movie I show you three ways of doing it (and there are probably many more).  This movie runs to just over 8 minutes and you can Watch it Here.

Movie #24 - DBGrid OnDrawColumnCell

In this Delphi tutorial we are going to look at how to take advantage of the OnDrawColumnCell event on the TDBGrid component.  In particular we are going to examine how to make every second row a different colour (Sky Blue) and how we can change the appearance of the text depending on the data.  This video is just under 10 minutes and you can watch it here

PS. Sky Blue is not compulsory (and perhaps not even recommended)

Movie #23 - Images on the Clipboard

In this movie we look at pasting images from the clipboard that were generated in Word and The GiMP.  We also take our first look at making macros in the Delphi IDE.  My voice still hasn't fully recovered from having the flu, but I hope the content of this video makes my voice worth listening to.  This movie is almost 11 minutes long and you can watch it here.

Movie #22 - SQL Part Four: Insert

This is the fourth part in our series on SQL.  In this guide we cover the SQL Insert statement.  This movie is less than 3 minutes long.  Watch it here.  And yes, I still had the flu while recording this one.

Movie #21 - SQL Part Three: Update and Delete

In this guide on SQL we look at the Update and Delete statements.  This movie is just shy of 6 minutes and it will help if you watch the other two movies on SQL first.  Watch it Here.

Movie #20 - ScaleBy

In this Delphi programming tutorial we look at using the ScaleBy function to increase and decrease the size of controls and their children.  We also examine a method for doing resolution independent forms.  This movie is about six and a half minutes long and you can watch it here

Movie #19 - Hate With a Passion

Love it (there is bound to be someone) or hate it, the with statement is here to stay - and many would prefer it to stay away.  I'm somewhat ambivalent and use it if it suits me on the day.  In this movie we'll see an example of using the with statement, and an example of somewhat unexpected consequences.  This movie is a bit under 8 minutes long.