TTreeView Check Boxes - #194

With the release of Delphi 11, check boxes have been added to TTreeView. Check out this new capability and its associated changes.

New TCustomComboBox Properties - #193

Newly added in Delphi 11 to TCustomComboBox are the AutoDropDownWidth and DropDownWidth properties. These are super helpful if you want to have long items visible in the drop-down window.  Watch this to see them in action.

New TCustomGroupBox Properties - #192

In Delphi 11 we have some additional properties on TCustomGroupBox, they are DefaultHeaderFont, HeaderFont, and ShowFrame.  Find out how they work here.

Faster Options Screen Loading - #191

The loading time of the options screens for both the Tools and Options menu has been greatly improved. Check out by how much.

EditMargins Property on TCustomMemo - #190

New in Delphi 11 is the EditMargins property on TCustomMemo. You will find this on TRichText and TCustomMemo (as well as their data-aware cousins). This allows you to define the left and right margins within a memo.  Watch on YouTube.

VCL Design-time Styles - #189

New in Delphi 11 is the design-time previews of VCL styles. This is going to make it much easier to take advantage of styles within your applications and customise them on a per-control basis.  Learn all about this new Delphi feature here.

Enhancements to TRichEdit - #188

Delphi 11 adds some fantastic additions to TRichEdit (and TDBRichEdit), including URL detection and spell checking.  Learn how they work in this video.

New VCL Control: TDBLabeledEdit - #187

In this video, we see how Delphi 11 adds a new VCL control, TDBLabeledEdit. This could make arranging data-aware input forms easier.

FMX Designer Guidelines - #186

New to Delphi 11 are form designer guidelines for FireMonkey. They have some interesting differences from the VCL guidelines that you should probably be aware of - find all about them in this video.

Binary Literals and Digit Separator - #185

Delphi 11 adds support for having binary constants in our code, and a new digit separator character - both are going to be super handy.  Find out how they work in this video.