Movie #134 - Console Text Color

If you are writing console applications it can be useful to change the color of the text, watch to find out how..

Movie #133 - Minesweeper (and other random things)

In this video we have a quick look at some code I've written to produce a Minesweeper clone - in both the VCL and partially in FireMonkey, check it out on YouTube, it's about 10 minutes long.

Movie #132 - Obscure (. .) Syntax

Do you have a keyboard without square brackets? Did you know this wont stop you from using arrays? What kind of craziness am I talking about, watch and find out.

Back in the old days - well before Delphi, there were keyboards without square brackets, which could have meant writing Pascal would be difficult - so they provided some alternative syntax. Also check out this post for more hidden features in the Delphi language

Movie #131 - Writing Your Own Text Driver

Did you know you can write your own text driver so that Writeln can output to anywhere you want, not just to a file or screen - didn't know - then watch an learn.

Movie #130 - Obscure ^ Syntax.

In this video we are going to take a look at some obscure Delphi character syntax, in that you can use ^C to represent CTRL+C or #3 in your code - no sense this description makes - then watch the video

Movie #129 - $(ProductVersion) Environment Variable

If you are using multiple versions of Delphi with the same project you might be getting strange compile errors related to DCUs being compiled with different versions of Delphi. Here is a easy work around which will allow you to output your DCUs and executables into different folders for each version of Delphi.  As always, here it is on YouTube.

Movie #128 - Development Hardware

This time we take a look at what hardware I'm using to do Delphi development, I'm particularly obsessive about my monitors (and having lots of them).  Watch on YouTube, enjoy! - use the coupon code DELPHI23 while it is still valid - Happy 23rd birthday Delphi!

Movie #127 - The New Dark IDE Theme in Tokyo

I've been using the new Dark IDE theme for a few weeks now, should you be using it also?  Find out in this YouTube video.

If you are missing the theme toggle button in your desktop toolbar (like I was in the video), you can read about it here, or just fix it by "right-clicking the toolbar: -> Customize -> select the Desktop toolbar and reset it"

Movie #126 - TCheckbox Differences in VCL and FireMonkey

In this video we take a look at the difference between the OnClick event on a TCheckbox in the VCL and FireMonkey, this is something that tripped me up, so beware of it.  It's short at less than 3 minutes, and you can watch it on YouTube.

I also mentioned MidaConverter for converting you VCL apps to FireMonkey

Move #125 - IDE Tips And Coding Shortcuts (CodeRage XII)

This is a fast paced look at short-cuts, customization, configuration, and tips to make your life within the Delphi IDE happier and more productive.  You can watch it on YouTube or EmbarcaderoAcademy (which also has the Q&A).  It's over 45 minutes long.