Movie #79 - Record Helpers for Primitive Types

This time Alister Christie talks about the introduction in XE3 of record helpers for primitives - which allow you to do things like ShowMessage(123456.ToString).  The video is 9 minutes long and you can watch it on YouTube.  Also see the blog posts by Marco Cantu and Rodrigo Ruz.

Movie #78 - FireMonkey: Visual LiveBindings, Anchors and Actions

This time we are having a look at what has been added to FireMonkey in Delphi XE3, in particular the new Visual LiveBindings (which is new to both the VCL and FireMonkey), Anchors (which were introduced to the VCL an age ago) and Actions (again, ported over from the VCL).  In this video we build the classic FishFacts / Biolife example using the latest Delphi features.  Watch it on YouTube, it is over 6 minutes long.

Movie #77 - Visual Live Bindings

In this video we continue on from our SQLite demo and instead of using our traditional TDBxxx controls we take advantage of the new Visual Live Bindings support in the VCL to bind standard controls.  This video is available on YouTube.  Note that I cover TStringGrid (and much more) in detail in Part 1 of Building VCL Apps.

Movie #76 - SQLite in XE3

In this video we take a quick look at the new SQLite support in Delphi XE3.  This is a very rough video but it should give you an idea of how to get started.  You will need to download the 32bit SQLite3 DLL from and place it somewhere in you path so that the Delphi IDE can find it.  You can watch it on YouTube, it's about 7 minutes long.

Movie #75 - Importing an XBMC Database

In this video Alister Christie writes (half) a program that that imports an XBMC database, then produces a report using Fast Reports.  You can view this video on YouTube.  This is quite a long one at 37 minutes (and it's also pretty rough).

Movie #74 - THeaderControl

In this video we take a detailed look at the THeaderControl component.  It is an extract from Building Apps in Delphi with the VCL Part 3 (to be released shortly).  I had intended not to cover the THeaderControl as as it is not a particularly exciting control, however after asking on StackOverflow, I decided that I would cover it - and to make it available for free.  You can watch it on YouTube, it's about 20 minutes long and is typical of the coverage I give many of the VCL components.  If you like this video you should consider purchasing Using the VCL Parts 1, 2 and 3, between them they cover about 60 components, plus many of the properties and events not covered in this video.

Movie #73 - DFM Numbers

This video is about this post on Stack Overflow, which is a question regarding strange numbers appearing in DFM files in a Delphi project.  This was something that I'd never noticed before so I thought I'd make a quick video on it.  You can watch it on YouTube.

Movie #72 - Platform Assistant

In this video Alister Christie looks at using the Platform Assistant to do remote debugging.  We run Delphi on one computer and and debug an executable on a different machine.  You can watch on YouTube.

Movie #71 - Essential Pascal (CodeRage 4 Replay)

This was my CodeRage 4 presentation back in late 2009.  It's very introductory stuff and Pascal only.  It's based around a couple of chapters in Marco Cantu's book Essential Pascal (produced with permission).  The presentation is about 35 minutes long.  You can watch YouTube.

Movie #70 - Key Tags

In this Delphi Programming video (keywords present for the TIOBE index) Alister Christie demonstrates a real world application that was written for a property management company in Wellington, New Zealand to print key labels.  This video can be watched on YouTube, it is about 14 minutes long.